Sunday, December 5, 2010

Read at your own Risk

To blog or not to blog. That has been the question! For 15.5 months I have been trying to figure out the best way to document my absolute JOY. I have spent every day with the most beautiful baby girl, and have smiled more in the past year than I have in my whole life. Every single day I shake my head at how incredibly lucky I am to have Gwendolyn Jeanne in my life.

And several times a day she will do something to make me laugh or tear up or sit back and reflect. And I always want to capture it on film or post it in a baby book or blog about it, ANYTHING as long as I can ensure that I can remember these moments for the rest of my life.

I am kicking myself for not starting sooner, but I have finally decided this will be the easiest way for me to share my special moments and memories with myself. Yes, myself. This girl is growing up so fast I realize that she will be at her high school prom tomorrow, and after I take a hundred pictures of her and see her out the door, I am going to need to spend my night reading this blog about first steps and favorite toys to reminisce about the days she still watched Sesame Street. =)

Read at your own risk! I make no promises to be eloquent or witty or brief. What I will do for sure, is write thousands of sappy words about my special little girl and all the things that fill our days. Not just the big extravagant things. Those I will have an easier time remembering. It is the little the fact that Gwen calls juice "soup" or how she says "happy, happy" on the rocking horse instead of "rocky, rocky" or how she always wants to be wearing shoes, even if she is just wearing a diaper. These things make me smile today, and with the proper documentation, they will make me smile in the future as well. =)

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